Friday 21 February 2014

Cooling Off Period

Credit to :

Definitely, with the explanation given, there is a reason why I would encouraged the Supernanny Jo Frost methods of putting them aside (she calls it Naughty Corner - I suggest a Quiet Corner or a Reflective Corner) with minutes that match to their age. Say 4 minutes for a 4yo. 

This act as a Cooling Off Period !

 When they are done with this, then attend to them, exactly after the 4 minutes is completed. 

When you talk to them - make eye contact - make sure your eye level is the same as theirs. 

Then talk - Ask what he did just now (the tantrum or misbehaving), discuss why he did it, DO NOT PROVIDE ANSWERS, get them to speak out. 

Once done, and you have FIRMLY voiced out what is right and wrong. Then, the child should say sorry if they did wrong, or you say sorry if you did something negative. 

Finally, BIG HUG to assure the child that what ever wrong he did, can be forgiven. And to assure them that it is OK to make mistakes, although, they must know that they are responsible on whatever they did, and hopefully not to repeat it again.

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