Monday, 18 April 2016

EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT aka EQ - Dear Parents, think about it!

I am sharing what Yuna wrote as I wanted all of you moms and dads to have a thought of how/what your young ones might be facing in the near future.
Scaryyyyyy... takyah cakap lah kan?
Lagi scary bila waktu paling critical ni - mak ayah dah sibuk dengan akademik bagai - walhal pada realitinya anak-anak ini sangat memerlukan pengukuhan EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT aka EQ.
As I have mentioned, EQ yang kuat akan develop IQ yang kuat! Bila tiba masanya.
EQ - ada perkaitan yang sangat rapat dengan CONFIDENT LEVEL anak anda.
Tapi bila waktu yang kritikal ini, kita sumbatkan otak mereka dengan perkara-perkara akademik yang belum sampai waktunya untuk di ajar. YOU ARE JEAPORDISING THEIR FUTURE!
Seriously, dah bnyk kali saya tulis perkara ini.

Relax Parenting Please. 
System is a system, but you as parents have the power to control this. Have faith please.

I look at all the questions from my young fans & I realized they're all stemming from insecurity, bullying & rejection.. So many of them asking how to be accepted, how to deal with depression, how to not have suicidal thoughts... All is just worrying to me. I’m sorry for not replying them all, so I’m just going to write this so it will reach anybody who needs it. If someone can translate this to Malay, that will be great and I will be greatly indebted to them.
My dear young ones, you are brought into this world for a reason. Many reasons, actually. To be the protector of the planet, to care for your family, other people,and to inspire others to do good. You are special.
If you are struggling with studies, you think homework or assignment is hard, think of your country and your neighborhood - what is it about your country that you want to change? Are the schools accessible to all kids? Are the kids getting into violence? Think deeply, and then gain as much knowledge as you can because with all that knowledge, you can come back to change all that, make sure other kids will get the same opportunity as you. If you are already in engineering school, law school, art school.. you are already on your way to serve a purpose to the world. That’s why you need to study. That should be your drive. So go and SOAR and be the best, and go make a difference in the world. Because my sweet young ones, YOU ARE THE FUTURE LEADERS! (edited: Don't give up, there are a lot of people out there who want to be in your place, who are hungry for education.)
If you are struggling with love and rejection, think of the people who are always there for you no matter what. Sometimes falling in love and getting hurt is one of the ways to learn how to care for yourself. A good friend of mine always remind me to pray and to 'take care of your heart’. It is people like that you should keep close, they care only for your well-being. Look around you, if your friends are making you feel less than who you are -they are not your friends. These are people who are sabotaging your happiness. Keep the ones who drives you to be better, who shares their knowledge with you, who genuinely cares about you, who stops you from wrecking yourself. If the person close to you is telling you you can’t grow into a better, more successful person, this person does not care about your growth, and only wants you to stay at their level. If you feel this, break free. You’re better off alone.
If the person you love leaves you, it is not their fault, it is not your fault. It’s just not meant to be, and it will leave an empty space that you can now fill with all the things you can do for yourself. Start a business, take your parents on a holiday, join a charity group, play sports, go to a music class, dance class.. Its an opportunity to work on your skills, to enrich your character and your life because YOU ARE SPECIAL. And in the future, someone who deserves you will come along. And you don’t have to worry about them being the wrong one - because you’ve train yourself to filter out the negative people in your life. And this person, as God has sent them to you, will love you for who you are. Remember, you are LOVED.
If you’re struggling with yourself, remember, you are made beautiful since day 1. Good looks go away after sometime, what remains is your heart and how you made people feel.. It’s your choice to be beautiful or not, beauty is not a privilege - it can be yours. Through your actions, through your words. Being attractive is when you enrich your brain and soul with positive things and share them with the world. Real beauty is when you love yourself. When you don’t sacrifice your natural beauty or your identity just so that people will like you. When you take care of your health. Beautiful is when you’re pleasant. When you’re respectful in other people’s space, when you are classy dealing with people who upset you. In my life, I learned that nobody will want to be around you if you’re not a warm person & constantly talking bad about someone. When your heart is black, it is really hard for people to stick around. Being beautiful, is when you nurture love inside of you. It’s not the color of your skin, the shape of your nose, the thickness of your lips, its not the curve of your body.. its how you remain lovely in this cruel world that’s constantly changing and where there are people advocating violence in public, you exist to promote love and peace.
If there are things making you depressed, don’t give into it. You have to fight it. Find help, talk to someone, don’t create that dark hole for yourself, don’t crawl into it, you deserve better. Find something you love doing, go out, get some sun, go to beach, get your friends to cook together, share ideas. Pray, you will find peace, you will find acceptance. Just like your body, your brain, your heart, and your soul needs food too. Trust me on this.. IT WILL GET BETTER. You will find your real strength and you’ll realize you’re stronger than you thought you were! Imagine if you get through this, wouldn’t it be a wonderful accomplishment? YOU ARE SPECIAL. YOU ARE STRONG. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. YOU ARE LOVED. DONT LET ANYBODY TELL YOU ANY DIFFERENT.
-Yuna Zarai.


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