Sunday, 3 April 2016

Relax Parenting - Slow and Easy

Ada apa dengan wedding dan Si Kecil?
Itu biasa! Anak-anak kecil seperti ini, mana boleh terlalu ikut protokol? 😊
Nakkan perfection? No way man!
So just follow the flow. Understand them. Cuba soothe them. Tenangkan mereka.
But the show must go on!
Tarik nafas dalam-dalam.
Istighfar sedikit.
Minta time out sekejap dari organiser.
Bend down and eye level please.
Do not ask, why?But say, I know you're a bit upset, tired, and wants this to be done with quickly. Sikit je lagi ya Tihani... Jangan lupa a big hug! To comfort them, and to tell them, hey, I am here with you. Don't worry ok? (it's all about security)

Oh well! This young lady is just 2 years and a half. What much do we expect kan?
Relax Parenting. Slow and Easy. Baru kita enjoy the process of bringing them up 😉

Anyway, it was a great wedding of my adik ipar. Ira Kamil and Afiq - A sweet one indeed.

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